Wednesday, April 16, 2008

anticipation & inspiration

So, last night's "Scrap Attack" class was....well....eventful.For those of you who were there: all's well...she's doing fine. Home, safe and sound and mending. For those of you who weren't there...curious? Well, come to a class and be a part of the action!

This week has been full of anticipation and inspiration...

ANTICIPATING and anxiously awaiting the latest issue of Memory Makers Magazine. It was shipped to subscribers starting last Tues, April 8th....I check the mailbox daily with utter disappointment-EMPTY! Why so much angst? My very first published layout will appear in the issue! I'm thrilled! But I still have an empty mailbox!

INSPIRATION- nowhere to be found...I had a bit of a "dry spell" last week. Plenty of time to scrap but NO inspiration. I just couldn't get into the groove. AURRGH! Finally get some decent scrap time and I'm staring at the wall. BUT...then it came...the inspiration. I found some fabulous new paper and disobeyed one of my paper addict purchasing rules("resist the urge to buy paper on-line that you haven't seen in person.") The day it arrived, I was instantly inspired! The ideas started coming fast and furious! Scroll down to "check it out" for a look at the goods!

So, I'm scrap with my new beautious paper....oh ya...and to check the mailbox...again.

need to reach me?

NEW EMAIL!!-this one WORKS!