Tuesday, April 1, 2008

home sweet home??

Well, last Saturday was all about the "Storybook Cottage" , my latest class at The Paper Tree. After a night of preparing, I spent the morning preparing, then arrived at The Tree, for more preparing. All that preparing and I still could have done more PREPARING! It was a tough one as I hadn't planned on it as a class while I was making the little devil (I was actually quite obsessed with it for weeks, hence the little tiny flowers -all inked and dotted with white centers. and the individual wooden "slats" on the shutters and door, etc..). All in all, I think it was a good time. Even though I knew they would end up having to finish it at home, I still don't like it when unfinished projects head out the door! Well, as the class description says "it is a project of fairytale proportions". Indeed. For all my Storybook class participants, I thank you for your great enthusiasm and hope you are all enjoying your project. I will leave the photos on this post, so if you need to refer to them, you can. So, Goodbye Storybook Cottage...Hello Altered Books!

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