Has it really been 2 months since my last post?! Wow, time really does fly!
I have heard from many via email- here are some answers to your questions...
-Classes, classes, where are the classes!? As of now, I am teaching several adult and childrens classes for the spring/summer semester at the Hanover Craft Studies program of the League of Nh Craftsmen. I know that a few of you former AB-ers have already signed up! Looking forward to seeing you- which is great! BUT, I also know that for many of you, the distance is just too far. Although I currently do not have any classes scheduled in the Manchester area, it doesn't mean that it won't happen at some point. I will keep you posted if something develops.
-I have still been getting some requests for kits which I am happy to continue. Please email me if you are interested in a monthly AB kit class. I'm also tossing around the idea of a Skype class. Please let me know what you think of that. Would there be any takers?
-I have started taking custom orders for my newest endeavor- portrait collage! Some examples are in the far right column of the blog.
Thanks for all your emails and for staying in touch!