Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Living Out Loud...

- activities to fuel a creative life" by Keri Smith...It's a great little book. I bought it some time ago but never really used it. Recently however, I've felt the need for a new burst of creative energy. So, I pulled this out of the pile( you know the one... that "to do someday" pile) and I am so glad I did! It is a great little lighthearted book, full of creative "play" exercises. The emphasis is on "fun" and though some of the tasks seemed a little silly at first glance, I really found the tasks to be quite enjoyable and ...yes, liberating! I found myself lighten up and it made me realize that I had allowed my creative process to become rather uptight. So, if you're in a slump, a creative rut or just want to have a little fun, grab a copy of "Living Out Loud" and let the playtime begin!

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